“Sacrifice for Liberty” is an excellent article published by Stephen Studdert, reviewing his feelings about freedom and liberty as he watched brave military personnel returning home from assignments abroad.
“Those aboard these enormous vessels of war were men and women dedicated to peace. Tired, homesick, and battle-worn, they were deservedly and quietly proud of a job well done. Duty and honor and country had new meaning for the 6,000 professional and deliberate sailors and Marines aboard. …
“Looking at these young shipboard Americans, our inclination to cheer their safe return home was quickly overtaken by our own personal feelings of gratitude for God and family and country, and for a country which allows my love of family and my free and unhindered worship of God. These sailors and Marines, each a serving citizen, had willingly gone into harm’s way to defend freedom and liberty, not to conquer but to vanquish, and with no thought of self.
“For us this moment was not a time of idle words. Our only spoken expression to each other that day was “May God bless America, this land of liberty, and those who defend her.†Such is my grateful prayer today.”
May we all salute the courage of brave men and women who defend our freedom and thank our God for establishing this land as the bastion of liberty in the world.
About the author: Steven M. Studdert served as a White House Advisor to three US Presidents, beginning with his appointment as a Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan. He is the author of “America in Danger: What You Must Know to Protect Yourself.”